Mørkets kamp mot lyset
Turn thy thoughts inward not outward. Find thou the Light-Soul within. Know that thou art the MASTER. All else is brought from within. Grow thou to realms of brightness. Hold thou thy thought on the Light. Know thou art one with the Cosmos, a flame and a Child of the Light.
Now to thee gave I warning: Let not the thought turn away. Know that the brightness flows through thy body for aye. Turn not to the DARK-BROTHERS that come from the BROTHERS OF BLACK. But keep thine eyes ever lifted, thy soul in tune with the Light.
4 steder i Emerald Tablets beskrives særskilt kampen mellom lyset og mørket. En kamp som berørte Atlantis og forårsaket dets fall. Men kampen berører også oss i dag.
1. Emerald Tablets 1:22 - 25
Gradually from the Kingdoms of Atlantis passed waves of consciousness that had been one with me, only to be replaced by spawn of a lower star.
In obedience to the law, the word of the Master grew into flower. Downward into the darkness turned the thoughts of the Atlanteans, Until at last in this wrath arose from his AGWANTI, the Dweller, speaking The Word, calling the power.
Deep in Earth's heart, the sons of Amenti heard, and hearing, directing the changing of the flower of fire that burns eternally, changing and shifting, using the LOGOS, until that great fire changed its direction.
Over the world then broke the great waters, drowning and sinking, changing Earth's balance until only the Temple of Light was left standing on the great mountain on UNDAL still rising out of the water; some there were who were living, saved from the rush of the fountains.
2. Emerald Tablets 5:50 - 59
Light there was in ancient ATLANTIS. Yet, darkness, too, was hidden in all.
Fell from the Light into the darkness, some who had risen to heights among men.
Proud they became because of their knowledge, proud were they of their place among men. Deep delved they into the forbidden, opened the gateway that led to below.
Sought they to gain ever more knowledge but seeking to bring it up from below.
He who descends below must have balance, else he is bound by lack of our Light.
Opened, they then, by their knowledge, pathways forbidden to man.
But, in His Temple, all-seeing, the DWELLER, lay in his AGWANTI, while through Atlantis, His soul roamed free.
Saw HE the Atlanteans, by their magic, opening the gateway that would bring to Earth a great woe.
Fast fled His soul then, back to His body. Up HE arose from His AGWANTI. Called HE the Three mighty messengers. Gave the commands that shattered the world. Deep 'neath Earth's crust to the HALLS of AMENTI, swiftly descended the DWELLER. Called HE then on the powers the Seven Lords wielded; changed the Earth's balance.
Down sank Atlantis beneath the dark waves. Shattered the gateway that had been opened; shattered the doorway that led down below. All of the islands were shattered except UNAL, and part of the island of the sons of the DWELLER.
3. Emerald Tablets 8:12 - 17
Speak I of Ancient Atlantis, speak of the days of the Kingdom of Shadows, speak of the coming of the children of shadows. Out of the great deep were they called by the wisdom of earth-men, called for the purpose of gaining great power.
Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us. Forth came they into this cycle. Formless were they of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men. Only through blood could they have formed being. Only through man could they live in the world.
In ages past were they conquered by Masters, driven below to the place whence they came. But some there were who remained, hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man. Lived they in Atlantis as shadows, but at times they appeared among men. Aye, when the blood was offered, for they came they to dwell among men.
In the form of man they amongst us, but only to sight were they as are men. Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o'er man. Only by magic could they be discovered. Only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows to destroy man and rule in his place.
But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic, able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent, able to send him back to his place. Came they to man and taught him the secret, the WORD that only a man can pronounce. Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent and cast him forth from the place among men.
Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth in a place that is open at times to the world. Unseen they walk among thee in places where the rites have been said. Again as time passes onward shall they take the semblance of men.
4. Emerald Tablets 12:17 - 20
Tilstanden i dag før menneskeheten igjen skal løftes inn i lyset og transformeres.
Then shall there come unto man the great warfare that shall make the Earth tremble and shake in its course. Aye, then shall the Dark Brothers open the warfare between Light and the night.
When man again shall conquer the ocean and fly in the air on wings like the birds (moderne fly); when he has learned to harness the lightning (produsere strøm), then shall the time of warfare begin. Great shall the battle be twixt the forces, great the warfare of darkness and Light.
Nation shall rise against nation using the dark forces to shatter the Earth. Weapons of force (atom - våpen) shall wipe out the Earth-man until half of the races of men shall be gone. Then shall come forth the Sons of the Morning and give their edict to the children of men, saying: O men, cease from thy striving against thy brother. Only thus can ye come to the Light. Cease from thy unbelief, O my brother, and follow the path and know ye are right.
Then shall men cease from their striving, brother against brother and father against son. Then shall the ancient home of my people rise from its place beneath the dark ocean waves. Then shall the Age of Light be unfolded with all men seeking the Light of the goal. Then shall the Brothers of Light rule the people. Banished shall be the darkness of night.